There are over 80 species of Lingots! Discover them for yourself!
Originally from Thaïland, Cambodia and Malaysia, with its thin and pointed leaves, Thaï Basil has a delicious taste close to tarragon with an exquisite pinch of pepper.
Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology : 100% natural and ready-to-use refills with no pesticides or GMO's (patent-pending).
Thaï Basil Lingot® compatible with the whole Véritable® Garden range
Specie : Organic Thaï Basil
Sprout in 1 week | Ready in 4-5 weeks | Harvest 4-6 months |
Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology (patent-pending) : 100% natural and ready to use refills.
Easy to use and efficient, the Lingot® composition is specific for each plant and contains :
Each parameter is optimised : spacing between seeds, depth, choice of species, substrate composition...
Its composition is specific for each plant in order to get generous ans tasty harvests.
The Lingots® are 100% compostable and biodegradable. They contains no pesticides or GMO's.
Each Véritable® Garden is coming with 4 Véritable® Lingots® offered : Basil, Italian Parsley, Thyme, Dill.
The Lingots® can be stored 1 year before use, in a cool and dry place. After this time, the germination rate can decrease.
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