There are over 80 species of Lingots! Discover them for yourself!
Wonderfully fragrant, anise is perfect for highlighting all kinds of dishes. Chop its leaves finely, then sprinkle over soups, salads, and vegetables. Anise lovers won't stop there: they'll use it to make any number of fresh and original creations!
Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology : 100% natural and ready-to-use refills with no pesticides or GMO's (patent-pending).
Organic green anise Lingot® compatible with the whole Véritable® Garden range
Specie : Organic green anise
Sprout in 1 week | Ready in 3-4 weeks | Harvest 2-3 months | Satisfied or exchanged |
Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology (patent-pending) : 100% natural and ready to use refills.
Easy to use and efficient, the Lingot® composition is specific for each plant and contains :
Each parameter is optimised : spacing between seeds, depth, choice of species, substrate composition...
Its composition is specific for each plant in order to get generous ans tasty harvests.
The Lingots® are 100% compostable and biodegradable. They contains no pesticides or GMO's.
Each Véritable® Garden is coming with 4 Véritable® Lingots® offered : Basil, Italian Parsley, Thyme, Dill.
The Lingots® can be stored 1 year before use, in a cool and dry place. After this time, the germination rate can decrease.
At Véritable®, your satisfaction is our priority. Our Ingots® and vegetable gardens combine all the elements to offer you abundant harvests. However, nature can sometimes play tricks. If your Ingot does not germinate normally, Véritable® will replace it.